The Spell of ‘Woke’

The Spell of ‘Woke’
President Joe Biden is helped up after falling during the graduation ceremony at the U.S. Air Force Academy, near Colorado Springs in El Paso County, Colo., on June 1, 2023. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)
Mark Bauerlein
At American Greatness on May 25, there was an article by Joshua Mitchell that should be read by anyone perplexed and frustrated by the very strange current political condition of the United States. It bears a surprising title: “The Formidable Candidacy of Joe Biden.”
Mitchell argued that conservatives and Republicans who take delight in the president’s many weaknesses and blunders, stumbles, and mumblings, are misreading the situation. Those flaws are the very reason a good portion of the electorate supports him.
Those “woke” Americans who love identity politics, along with liberals who sign on as fellow travelers, actually prefer a leader who has shown his willingness to voice the dogmas of identity politics with all the obedience of a robot who has been properly programmed. If he proceeds to exert his power to implement those dogmas, he neatly fulfills the woke demand for change. They want their leader to be a follower, and a few defects and incapacities signal his fitness for the post.
Yesterday, I heard a conservative radio host laughing at one of Biden’s tumbles, enjoying the exposure of his doddering state, as if such moments prove to the American people the danger of a debilitated figure remaining in the White House. In truth, according to Mitchell, each lapse reinforces Biden’s reelection. (Mitchell believes that Biden will win in 2024.)
There’s another factor in this perverse mix. In a nation overtaken by identity politics, in which individuals are ranked by their demographic, white, straight, Christian males stand at the bottom, the guiltiest ones, those who must pay for the crimes of the past (and present).
In America 2023, Mitchell said, “We have arrived at the end of history.”
At this point, we don’t do ordinary politics, the standard power struggles of factions and interests.
“The only thing that matters now is squaring up old debts—say, historical wounds from hundreds of years ago—between so-called identity groups,” he said.
Oddly enough, however, the whole setup works only when a white man, one of the “prime transgressors,” sits at the head of the multicultural table. Identity politicians need him as a focal point. He plays a unifying role for all those people who aren’t like him, not white, straight, Christian, and male. In truth, the collectivizing label “people of color” is but a “contrived unity.”
Poor Hispanics in Los Angeles have little in common with Asian small business owners in Atlanta or black students in prestige colleges. Only their victimhood unites them, and a victimizer in the room firms up their shared suffering. Take away the white man and those groups’ divergent subcultures and interests would come forth. The commonality would end.
Hence, the necessity of a white male president. But he must be the right kind of white male: guilt-ridden and deferential to people of color and females and LGBTQ+. He must be ever ready to apologize for his identity and to withhold any positive judgment of that identity.
Biden’s declarations about race, gender, and sexuality are empirically false and patently absurd, but truth isn’t the point. ("There’s not a single thing a man can do that a woman can’t do as well or better. Not a single thing”; “Why in God’s name don’t we teach history in history classes? A black man invented the light bulb, not a white guy named Edison.”) Those statements have another purpose: to reassure the woke masses that he knows his place and keeps the faith.
If Kamala Harris replaced him, the entire layout would explode. A victim would now hold power, one with no guilt and one who’s proud of her identity. She wouldn’t unify the victims. She would automatically elevate two victim groups (black and female) over all the others. She couldn’t dispense social justice with the same neutrality that Biden displays.
No, it must be a white, straight, Christian male who’s weak and cooperative. Conservative commentators and Republican strategists who don’t understand this think and act as if it were 1995. They’re in denial or maybe just too scared to address identity politics with force. When Donald Trump denounced political correctness again and again in 2016, we can imagine the consultants wincing and muttering, “No, no.”
And yet, he won. Trump went straight to the heart of the real battle in America today, which is why the RESISTANCE began on day one of his term and never stopped. Mitchell called the reign of identity politics a “spell” that has been cast over the country, one that ordinary politics won’t remove. We’re in a “grotesque chapter of American history.”
For Mitchell, the only solution is “a reinvigorated Christendom.” But, of course, Republican politicians can’t say that. They’re in an unequal position. The woke have their religion and preach it loudly. Unless they learn to present another, better religion, Biden will win a second term no matter how many times he garbles names, trips on the stairs, and grimaces over his forgetfulness.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Mark Bauerlein is an emeritus professor of English at Emory University. His work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, The Washington Post, the TLS, and the Chronicle of Higher Education.
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