7 Fun Ways to Kick Off a New Homeschool Year

7 Fun Ways to Kick Off a New Homeschool Year
Read aloud, set aside quiet reading time, listen to audiobooks, discuss stories, relish in a love of books. (LightField Studios/Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza
More and more families continue to opt out of sending their children “back to school” in favor of taking the reins as homeschoolers. If you’re a homeschooling family about to kick off a new year, here are seven fun ways to make the start special.

Supplies Surprise

Perhaps, like many other homeschoolers, you tend to gather together at the kitchen table, in the living room around a coffee table, or at the dining room table. Wherever that central location is for your family, decorate it for a celebration the night before your first day, after the kids have gone to bed.
Much like Christmas morning, they’ll awaken to a delightful surprise that may include themed plates and decor, fresh school supplies, a new book or two, or even a wrapped present, if you so desire. Include a card or note for each child that lets them know how much you’re looking forward to a fun year ahead and how blessed you feel to be able to share these moments together.

Mid-Week Start

Who says the first day has to be a Monday? Take a page from seasoned homeschoolers and start the first week on a Wednesday or Thursday to make the act of starting short and sweet—easy as pie. You’ll begin with fun, ease, and a sense of accomplishment and be able to launch into week two ready to roll.

Special Breakfast

Continue the celebration with a breakfast that’s more elaborate than usual. Think pancakes, French toast, fresh fruit, or bacon and eggs.
Perhaps you establish a traditional food for breakfast on the first day of each year, such as cinnamon rolls or bagels from your favorite local place. Allow the morning to linger and talk about all that you hope to experience and accomplish this year.

Take a Picture

Don’t forget to take those first day of school pictures. Use signs that show either your child’s age or grade—if you keep track of grade levels—and share them with friends and family.

Head Out Of the House

Experienced homeschoolers know that back-to-school season means fewer crowds at parks, museums, libraries—just about everywhere. Take advantage right out of the gate!
Lace up those sneakers, pack some water and a snack, and head outside for a hike or to the local museum for the first field trip of the year. Wherever you go, make it easy and fun and an inspiring example of the blessings of homeschooling.

Start a Read-Aloud

Before wrapping up the first day, crack open a brand new read-aloud you’ll be sharing with your kids this year. Concluding the day immersed in a story you share as a family is a joy. The continuation of the story will be one of many things you and your family look forward to the next day.

Set Up for Success

As that first day progresses and the week goes on, aim to establish a rhythm and any organizational processes you deem important to the smooth running of your homeschool. Review what’s expected of your children and introduce them to important schedule and calendar details they’ll need to know, all while unwrapping new school supplies and setting up tools and spaces for the new year ahead.
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com
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